
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments are performed in accordance with industry standard, i.e., ASTM E-1527-21 (Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process) and ASTM E-2247-23 (Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process for Forestland or Rural Property).  First-entry site investigations are performed in a manner which will establish baseline environmental conditions before they are affected by subsequent activities on the site.  SGF is also qualified to develop long-term environmental monitoring programs, which will reflect specific land uses or remedial activities in a wide range of hydrogeological settings.

Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

Soil and groundwater studies are performed to confirm whether a site specific hazard exists.  Groundwater monitoring wells are installed and soil and groundwater samples are collected to determine the presence of contamination.  Once confirmed, assessment activities are conducted to determine the vertical and horizontal extent of soil and groundwater impacts.  Remedial measures are then implemented to reduce contaminant levels to comply with regulatory standards.

In some cases, ground penetrating radar (GPR) is also performed to attempt to locate undocumented tanks, septic systems, oil/water separators, former lifts locations, and other underground features that could have the potential to impact the soil and/or groundwater on a site.

Tank Closure Assessments

Tank closure assessments are performed in accordance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Storage Tank System Closure Assessment Requirements, and criteria outlined in Chapter 62-761 of the Florida Administrative Code (FAC).

Regulatory Compliance Assistance

SGF provides consulting services associated with contaminated sites that require regulatory oversight.  Services include providing resolution assistance related to Notices of Violation (NOVs) and Notices of Required Testing (NORTs), assistance in obtaining brownfield designations, long term soil and groundwater monitoring, source removal, and the preparation of Remedial Action Plans (RAPs).

Asbestos Surveys

Asbestos containing building materials are commonly encountered in commercial, public, and residential buildings.  Market sale value and tenant leasing can be affected, and the potential for liability related to tenant and maintenance staff exposure may also exist.  Building owners and lenders may be reluctant to participate in transactions until asbestos containing building materials are addressed.

SGF’s team can conduct complete surveys of commercial structures to determine the type, condition, and extent of asbestos containing building materials.  Surveys are performed under the direction of an on-staff Florida licensed Asbestos Consultant.  Bulk samples are collected and analyzed in accordance with applicable local, state and federal requirements.  An exposure ranking can then be assigned to each asbestos containing area, which can aid in the selection of remedial action alternatives.

Radon Gas Measurements

Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that comes from the radioactive breakdown of naturally occurring radium found in most Florida soils.  Radon, a Class A carcinogen, is the second leading cause of lung cancer.  Florida has a mandatory radon testing program for various public facilities, such as public and private schools, state licensed day care centers, and 24-hour care facilities such as nursing homes and hospitals.

Florida has required radon measurement and reduction companies and personnel to be certified since 1989.  SGF is a certified Radon Measurement Business with the Florida Department of Health (RB0677), and performs radon gas screening measurements for commercial real estate transactions, follow-up and long term testing, as well as post mitigation sampling.